Best Treadmill 2020

Best Treadmills

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Everybody wants to be fit, but who has time to go to the gym?

Fortunately, you can get a good workout at home at any time you want, by buying a treadmill.

But choosing the best treadmill for your needs can be very challenging.

Since they represent a significant investment of your money, you must ensure you get one that best meets your requirements. Otherwise, you have wasted effort as well as money.

If you want to know what factors to consider when choosing a best treadmill, keep reading.

You can prevent buying the wrong treadmill if you follow this buying guide. We shall critically discuss several key factors you should consider before buying a treadmill.

We shall also be revealing the pros and cons of all the best treadmills in general.

At the end of this buying guide, we shall be giving our pick and recommendations of best treadmill you can buy.

Nordictrack Commercial 1750

Best treadmill Nordictrack Commercial 1750

What We Love About

  • 50 inbuilt workout programs
  • Built-in web browser
  • Blue tooth is available for monitoring heart rate
  • 10” High Definition LCD touch screen
  • 22”x 60” surface suitable for running
  • Comes with an integrated tablet Holder
  • Noise and vibration are greatly reduced due to deck frame quality and high motor rating
  • Foldable Frame that serves as a space saver

What made us sad

  • Due to a large community of users, customer support is usually slow from manufacturer


Nordictrack commercial 1750 treadmill is a product of Nordictrack company and is part of the Nordictrack commercial treadmill series.
It comes with a 3.6 CHP motor and has a maximum speed of 12 mph. Nordictrack commercial treadmills also come with a safety feature.
Nordictrack commercial 1750 comes with an incline of -3 to 15% and 2 cooling fans.

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Editor’s Pick

Proform Pro 2000

Proform Pro 2000 Best Treadmill

What We Love About

  • Folding deck so that it can be easily stored after use
  • EasyLift assist feature lets you lift the deck with a single push
  • Audio Auxiliary Port
  • Two 3″ Bluetooth Speakers
  • 50 On-board Workout Programs
  • ProShox cushioning reduces the impact of high-intensity
  • It comes with one cooling fan with multiple speeds to make you stay cool and hydrated
  • Lifetime warranty on motor, a 5-year warranty on other parts and a 2-year labor warranty

What made us sad

  • You can only access the built-in workouts if you have a Wi-Fi connection since these are part of the iFit library. But these standard workouts are supposedly available for free even without a membership.
  • There are some people who feel that the cushioning on the Pro 2000 is not the most comfortable available, although it is still superior to that on other brands and models


Proform Pro 2000 treadmill is the most affordable treadmill in the pro treadmill series. It comes with a motor rating of 3.5CHP.
The motor provides noise and vibration-free operation. Proform Pro 2000 also comes with an Incline of -3% – 15%. It also comes with a maximum speed of 12mph.
Proform pro-2000 treadmills have a running surface area of 60″ by 22″. This treadmill can sustain a maximum weight of 300Ibs. It has a dimension of 79″Length x 39.15″Width x 71.4 Height

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Sole F80

Sole F80 Best Treadmill

What We Love About

  • Sole F80 Treadmill comes with a space saver feature. It is foldable and hence minimizes storage space.
  • With the touch of a button, you can unfold the treadmill and don’t have to unfold the treadmill manually.
  • It comes with a wireless Bluetooth connection to enable you to enjoy nice music while working out
  • Incline of -3% to 15%
  • 9″ High Definition LCD touchscreen display
  • Sole F80 Treadmills have cooling fans to make you cool during workouts
  • With a Weight limit of 375Ibs, Sole F80 treadmills have one of the highest weight limits for a treadmills.
  • Comes with 10 inbuilt work out programs
  • 5 Year warranty period for the parts of F80 model, and a two-year warranty for labor

What made us sad

  • Shorter Handrails
  • Since this is designed for more rigorous workouts, users need to have the support of long


Even though it is designed mainly for residential use, the Sole F80 treadmill packs some features that are on par with some commercial treadmills. Sole F80 gives you good workout experience.
It comes with a large running surface of 22″ by 60″ It comes with a motor that has a continuous horsepower rating of 3.5 mph. Sole F80 also comes with a speed range of 0.5-12mph. It is made from commercial-grade steel material that is durable.

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Factors to Consider while Buying a Best Treadmill

Buying the best treadmill can most times be tiring and it seems like you have wasted your money and time.

It’s even more confusing when you have so many options of treadmills to buy.

Without the right guide, you might end up not getting the ideal treadmill for you.

Let us highlight the important features you should look out for when you want to buy a best treadmill.


There are various points to consider when evaluating the ideal motor horse power for you.

First, if you are only going to use it for quick workouts every other day then you may opt for a machine with only 2.75 to 3.0 HP.

However, if you plan to use it frequently or for an extended cardio session, a treadmill powered by a motor with 3.0 to 4.0 HP is highly recommended.

You should also consider your body weight when choosing the appropriate treadmill motor for you. As a rule of thumb, heavy individuals should choose more powerful machines.

If you weigh over 200 pounds, add an extra 0.5 CHP to the motor power. This will help ensure that there is spare power when the treadmill is being used, rather than forcing it to run at full capacity.

The higher the CHP rating of a treadmill, the higher the operational efficiency of the treadmill.

Would you like to have a treadmill that works without noise? A treadmill with a higher CHP rating also helps in noise reduction during operation.


There is no universal standard for the number of inclines that a best treadmill must have. It all depends on the preference and the workout intensity of the user.


Ideally, light users may go for models that allow up to 10 degrees. Fitness enthusiasts may find machines with either 12-degree to 15-degree inclinations as satisfactory.

Serious runners, on the other hand, may go for models that enable inclinations up to 40 degrees.

Max Speed

Majority of treadmill users find a maximum speed of 10mph to be sufficient.

However, those who engage in quick but intense runs need treadmills that can go 12mph or higher.


Before you start to choose, you have to measure the space you have available for it.

For your comfort and safety when working out, there should be clearance of at least three inches on either side of the treadmill, and eight inches at the back.

The average dimensions of a folding treadmill is 81 inches long, 34 inches wide, and 55 inches high.

Running Area

Running Area

A treadmill running area refers to the surface in which you do your work out. You should lookout for a treadmill with a large running area.

The ideal running area of a treadmill should be 22″ X 60″.

This standard also applies for those who practice the heel strike running method.

Tread Belt

The width and length of the treadmill belt is one of the most important considerations when making your choice.

It has to be large enough to accommodate how you typically use, i.e. if you are a walker, jogger or runner.

Ideally, the belt should have a width of at least 20-inches, which is enough to accommodate all uses.

If you are a walker, the length should be at least 50-inches to 54-inches; for joggers, at least 54-inches and runners, 58-inches and up.

Cushioning Preferences

This feature helps protect your joints from the stress of running or jogging.

Running on a well-cushioned treadmill can reduce the impact on your joints by 15% to 40 percent.

A best treadmill should provide much-needed protection. It should also help increase your momentum and give you an extra bounce during work out.

Cushioning also protects the treadmill from wear and tear since it reduces the impact on the belt.

Roller Size

The roller system is one of the most essential parts of the treadmill. The size of your rollers plays a very key role in ensuring your treadmills stay durable.

An ideal treadmill should have a roller size of 2.25 to 2.5″. We advise that you buy a treadmill with larger rollers. Larger rollers help to prevent wear and tear.

They also spin slowly thus ensuring stability when working out.

A standard treadmill comes with large rollers should be able to withstand pressures exerted on it because of the large ball bearings that comes with the rollers.

Weight Limit

This feature measures the maximum amount of weight the treadmill can support.

To determine what minimum weight limit your treadmill should have, add fifty lb. to your weight.

Also worth remembering is that the rated weight limit of the treadmill is not the actual weight it should support.

For instance, if the limit is 300, the user should only weigh at most 250 lb.; otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the treadmill.


Most treadmills available nowadays allow users to keep track of their progress by displaying and storing fitness-related data.

Usually, the information tracked by treadmills include the total distance ran, duration of a run, actual speed, and number of calories burned.

Some units also come with specialized features that allow the user to monitor his or her heart rate during an exercise.

Workout programs

For beginners and those with intermediate skill levels, these programs provide a structured way to do your workouts.

They will provide you with routines to follow.

Workout Programs

It also helps you to set your workout goals.

Having an in-built work out program makes your sessions more streamlined and effective in achieving preset work out objectives. An ideal treadmill should have at least 10 workout routines.

LCD console Display

Most quality treadmills have touchscreen displays that are either LED or LCD and come in different sizes.

The best treadmills have LED monitors with backlighting and the ability to display multiple windows. LCDs are not backlit and can display only one window.

These monitors let you access fitness programs and control the various features through the touchscreen.

If the treadmill provides fitness monitoring, you can read the feedback on the monitor.

A standard treadmill should come with at least an 8″ Higher Definition LCD display.

The LCD Console Display projects the different work out programs. It also displays heart rate monitoring results. Since a standard treadmill comes with a tracking feature, results that have been tracked by the tracking device are displayed on the LCD Console Display.

Heart rate Monitoring

An ideal treadmill should be able to monitor your heart rate through the use of cardio grip sensors.

These sensors are usually located on the handlebars of your treadmill.

Heart Rate Monitoring

A standard treadmill also makes use of iFit Bluetooth chest strap which is used to monitor your heart rate.

You are better informed when your heart rate is going way overboard as a result of strenuous work out routines.


This is a feature that is important for those who have limited space. A foldable treadmill means that the deck folds upward into the frame for storage.

If possible, it should also have wheels so that it is easy to move to where you want it to be.

However, even folded up, the treadmill still takes up space. So be sure to measure the space available to see if it can accommodate the folded treadmill.

Another consideration is how difficult it is to fold the treadmill. If you have to tilt it back on its wheels, it may be too difficult.

Cooling Option

The cooling feature is a nice feature you should look out for when you plan on buying a treadmill.

This is one unique feature a standard treadmill should have. An ideal treadmill should come with cooling fans that will keep you cool and refreshed.

Cooling Options

An ideal treadmill should have at least two cooling fans to reduce dehydration and increases your workout duration.

iFit coach

IFit coach is a reliable fitness program app that comes with different iFit work out programs. iFit coach is like a virtual instructor.

It also comes with health trackers. A standard treadmill should come with an iFit feature to enable users to have access to different work out programs and instructions.

Noise Level

When buying a treadmill, test for the noise level. A standard treadmill should be noiseless and vibration-free.

You should consider buying a treadmill that has a good motor continuous power rating.

A motor with a horsepower rating of at least 3.5CHP to 4.2 CHP power will help reduces the noise in the treadmill.

Another feature of a treadmill that can help reduce noise and vibration levels is the deck frame.

Having a treadmill with a very good deck frame should be considered.

Ease of Use

Some treadmills come with advanced features that are complex and difficult to use. You should buy a treadmill that is user-friendly.

A standard treadmill should be easy to use no matter the features it comes with.

You should also look out for treadmills with user manuals, user guides or other forms of instructions for users.


Listening to your favorite songs during your workout sessions is one way to make working out on a treadmill to be entertaining and less stressful.

A standard treadmill should come with a wireless Bluetooth connection. You can connect your Bluetooth from your mobile device to inbuilt speakers in your treadmill and make your workout sessions more entertaining.

Tablet Holder and Audio Port

Apart from listening to your favorite songs while working out, a treadmill offers more entertaining features.

You should consider buying a treadmill that comes with a tablet holder and an audio port.

An integrated tablet holder allows you to keep your tablet safely in place on your treadmill while working out.

A standard treadmill should come with this unique feature and allow you to watch your favorite movies or tv shows during work out you can connect your earphones to the audio port and enjoy your stressfree work out routines.


It would be quite disheartening to buy a new treadmill and after just a few times of usage, you discover some missing parts or factory faults.

The warranty is one of the most important things to consider when choosing a treadmill.

The longer the warranty, the higher the implied quality of the treadmill will be since it reflects the confidence of the manufacturer in their product.

There are four aspects of the treadmill that are covered by the warranty – frame, motor, parts and labor.

Higher end treadmills have longer warranties while cheaper ones have shorter limited warranties.

The best treadmills offer lifetime or ten-year warranties for the frame, and one to two years for the parts and labor


A treadmill should have a minimum safety feature of an automatic shut down button.

This is one very critical feature you should look out for when buying a treadmill.

In the case of a trip or fall incident, a treadmill should not continue it’s operation in other to prevent more e injuries.

A standard should be able to shut down automatically to ensure user safety.

Still Finding it difficult to choose from all these?

Let us Help you Choosing the best Treadmill for you…

How much is your budget

Budget planning is a key factor when you plan to buy a treadmill. We have recommended the above three treadmills based on their affordability.

If you are planning to buy a treadmill that is affordable and pocket-friendly, then we suggest you go for any of these three treadmills.

Sole F80 treadmills cost between $1000- $1500, Nordictrack commercial 1750 cost between $1500-$2000 while Proform Pro 2000 Treadmills cost between $1500 – $2000.

What do you want from a treadmill?

With this buyer’s guide, we have highlighted the most important features you should look out for.

These features are the characteristics of an ideal treadmill. From luxury to comfort to having interactive features.

Your buying a treadmill should be influenced by the key requirement you desire for a treadmill.

Nordictrack commercial 1750 treadmill boasts of both affordability and durability. It’s 50 inbuilt work out programs means you have a variety of work out routines to choose from.

Sole F80 treadmill also makes the list of recommended treadmill you should buy because it has a very high weight limit of 375Ibs. This is much higher than most treadmills.

Sole F80’s single touch unfolding feature makes it stand out among other treadmills.

The foldability feature in most treadmills are manually operated. One unique feature that informed our decision to recommend Proform pro-2000 treadmill is that it comes with a lifetime warranty on motor parts. Also, having a cooling fan with multiple speed to keep you hydrated during your work out routines is fascinating.

Our Final Remark

From our detailed and comprehensive guide on what to look out for and ensure you can buy the right treadmill, we can safely categorize our treadmill buyer’s recommendation decision into three broad categories.


From the list of our three recommend treadmills to buy, all of them are affordable when compared to the prices of other treadmills with similar features.

The highest price range of the treadmills is $1500 – $2000.


We have discussed several unique features on all three of our recommend treadmills.

We have also talked about the ideal features of a treadmill. Comparing the features of a standard treadmill with the unique features of our list of recommended treadmills, you will agree with us that our recommend treadmills meets the requirements for a standard treadmill.

Our list of recommended treadmills often come with some features that surpass the ideal treadmill features.


All of Our three recommended treadmills come with a lifetime warranty on motor parts. This means that you are more assured on the durability and efficiency of your treadmill motor for a lifetime.

Best Buying Options

All of the above products are available online. With below provided links, you can find best deal on your chosen Treadmill.

Let Us Help You Choose Best Treadmill For You

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