TempurPedic Mattress Review


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TempurPedic is a mattress manufacturer that is part of TS International. The brand currently offers the following mattress models.

The Tempur Adapt, or Adapt, is available in two characteristical designs. The fully-foam Adapt comes with memory foam. Further, it comes with a comfort layer and a high-density polyfoam support core.

On the other side, hybrid Adapt sports a memory foam comfort layer as well as a pocketed coil support core. Both versions of the Adapt are each considered medium on the firmness scale.

Next comes the Tempur ProAdapt, or the ProAdapt, for short. ProAdapt is yet another mattress made by Tempur Pedic. It comes in two versions as well.

The first one is the all foam version. The second is the hybrid version. The all-foam version comes in three firmness setting, soft, medium, or firm. It comes with a memory foam comfort layer and a high-density support core.

As for the hybrid version, it comes in medium firmness option. It substitutes the foam support core with pocketed coils. All versions of the ProAdapt come with a dual-layer SmartClimate cooling cover.

Next one on the list is Tempur LuxeAdapt or LuxeAdapt. LuxeAdapt is an all-foam mattress. It comes in two firmness settings: soft and firm. It contains a dual-layered SmartClimate. It also consists of a high-density polyfoam support core and a memory core comfort layer.

The Tempur Pedic’s latest model the Tempur Breeze, known as Breeze. It is also available in many settings. The Tempur ProBreeze comes in as an all-foam mattress or a hybrid. Both of them have a Medium firmness level.

The all-foam model consists of a high-density support core and a memory core comfort layer. The hybrid switches out the foam core for pocketed coils.

TempurLuxeBreeze, or LuxeBreeze, is an all-foam bed available in soft and firm options. All Tempur-breeze models contain dual-layer SmartClimate covers.

Those consist of a paddle with a layer of the phase-change material. Judging by their claim, this is the coolest mattress so far. The ProBreeze sleeps about 3 degrees colder than the average. LuxeBreeze sleeps a staggering 8 degrees colder than the average.

 2 Minute Summary

Tempur-Pedic constructs mattresses from high-quality memory foam. This foam offers greater longevity than the foams used by most competitors. That results in those mattresses having longer-than-average lifespans.

All-foam Tempur-Pedic models offer consistent conforming. They offer above-average pain and pressure relief and provides top-notch motion isolation.

Hybrids, on the other side, provide great temperature neutrality and strong edge support. They also provide better-than-average motion isolation.

Alas, the brand’s models have received some complaints as well. Biggest complaints about Tempur-Pedic beds include strong odor potential. Besides the odor potential, the biggest grievance is excessive weight. And last, but not the least, the prices that are much higher than average.

Tempur-Pedic offers free White Glove delivery. Of course, this is free for everyone on the U.S. territory. Each bed comes with a 90-night sleep trial and a 10-year warranty. Read on to learn more about Tempur-Pedic mattresses. You will learn about pricing, owner ratings, and construction. We’ll also provide an overview of the brand’s shipping, return, and warranty policies. We’ll try to find some similar brand recommendations.

Features Test



When it comes to sturdiness, both Tempur Adapt versions have longer-than-average lifespans. Both the hybrid and the all-foam should last for at least 7 years.

Tempurpedic Mattress Sturdiness

The same applies to the Tempur ProAdapt. Both the hybrid and the foam version have a lifespan of at least 7 years.

The Tempur-LuxeAdapt has a long expected lifespan, as well. Like the other all-foam mattresses, it should last for at least 7-8 years.

They’re reasonably strong and hard to damage. This is great, especially if you’ve got kids.

Motion Isolation

This is a key feature of the Tempur Adapt versions. It absorbs and minimizes transfer to a significant extent. This is true for both the hybrid and the all-foam versions.

As far as the ProAdapt goes, the same applies here as well. Both versions have decent motion isolation, fair enough to stop the nighttime interruptions for couples. Although, the all-foam version minimizes the motion transfer somewhat better than the hybrid.

Motion isolation is a key strength for the LuxeAdapt as well.


Edge Support

The Adapt hybrid version offers excellent edge support, while the all foam one isn’t that great. Sinkage around the edges where people sit is a recurring complaint.

Tempurpedic Weight Support

The same applies to the ProAdapt hybrid version. Excellent edge support. The all-foam version is the same as the Adapt one, not so very good.

As for the LuxeAdapt version, the edge support is poor, to say the least. Sinkage at the edges is visible as soon as someone sits.

Sex Quality

With both the Adapt and ProAdapt version, expect responsiveness from the hybrid versions. The all-foam versions will not provide bounciness enough for most couples.

The LuxeAdapt, though isn’t responsive at all, and wouldn’t be enough for most couples.


When it comes to noise emission, both the all-foam versions are silent. The hybrids, though, can make some noise.

The LuxeAdapt version is excellent when it comes to sound emission. You will never hear anything from it.

Off Gassing

Off-Gassing is a recurring complaint when it comes to both of Tempur Adapt versions. To be frank, the hybrid version tends to emit less odor than its all-foam counterpart.

For the ProAdapt mattress, it makes no difference. Both versions emit somewhat high amounts of odor when they get unpacked.

The same applies to the Tempur LuxeAdapt as well. A fair amount of odor can circulate in the first couple of days.

Temperature Maintenance

Both Adapt versions come with a double cooling cover, providing help for those who sleep hot. Although the foam model sleeps hotter than the hybrid one.

The same thing applies for the ProAdapt versions. The foam model seems to sleep hotter than the hybrid one.

The LuxeAdapt model is a bit different. Unlike the other foam mattresses, this one regulates temperature very well.



Both of the Adapt versions conform quite a lot for targeted pain and pressure relief. It also improves spinal alignment for side sleepers.

Tempurpedic Motion Isolation

The AdaptPro version is a bit different. The all-foam version comes in three different firmness levels. This allows customers to choose the conforming level with their preferences. The hybrid version provides only medium firmness option. This, in turn, gives close conforming with minimal sagging.

The Tempur LuxeAdapt comes in two versions. A soft one, which conforms in great detail, and firm one, which conforms to a much lesser extent.

Sleeping Positions

Tempurpedic Sleeping Positions

When it comes to sleeping position support, the situation is almost the same. The Adapt versions can be a slight irritation for the side sleepers of all categories.

The AdaptPro versions act the same as the Adapt ones. As for the LuxeAdapt version, side sleepers of average weight it can be annoying.

Weight Support


The ideal mattress for each sleeper depends on their body weight and sleep position. All mattresses mentioned above are very versatile. They have several firmness options. This makes them ideal for any weight category and sleep position.

Where Should I Get It

You can buy Tempur-Pedic mattresses by visiting the company’s site, as well as Amazon.com. You can also buy them off third-party retailers.

The company states that you can buy mattresses from any brick-and-mortar locations. There are 6390 of them throughout the U.S., as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. You can search through the complete directory on the company’s site.

Tempur-Pedic mattresses offer a variety of choices for every sort of sleeper. Lighter people and side sleepers will choose softer firmness setting of the models. Heavier people may find the firmer designs of the same models more attractive.

All in all, Tempur-Pedic mattresses offer something for everyone. It provides everyone the opportunity to find something made for them.

Tempurpedic Mattress Review Summary

What We Love About

  • Exceptional durability paired with different options for thickness, firmness, and composition.
  • Very good motion isolation, as well as almost no noise emissions
  • Provides pain and pressure relief for most of the owners
  • Free white glove delivery in the U.S
  • Rating A from BBB

What made us sad

  • High Price Points
  • Very strong Odor Potential
  • Majority of beds are very heavy, making them near impossible to move or rotate by oneself.
  • Sleep trial asks for a 30 day break-in period


While the Tempur-Pedic mattresses are certainly not without flaw, they do appear to be the next step in the mattress industry. Going past the pros and cons of innerspring and memory foam mattresses, Tempur-based mattresses show by far the best performance across the board.

With that being said, there is still some headway to be made here. Notably, the off-gassing issue has been causing complaints from some users. It’s also extremely important to note that if you’re buying this mattress, you’re far better off getting it online, as it’ll assure you a fair deal!

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